
Procedure for Reporting Absence & Parent Contact

The procedure for reporting absence is part of the School’s Attendance Policy for all pupils and is as follows:

If a pupil is to be absent from school for any reason, the parent/carer should telephone (020 7307 8700) or email* the School Office admin@portland-place.co.uk by 8.00am on the first morning of absence.  Where a pupil is ill, the school should be notified of the nature of the illness and, when this can be predicted, the date the pupil is expected to be able to resume his or her studies.  Absence during the school day will be permitted only with a letter to the school office or an email to admin@portland-place.co.uk

Apart from illness, no pupil should be away from school without prior permission from the Headmaster.  Dental and medical appointments should be made during school holidays except in cases of emergency when the school office should be informed.

(*the email address must be one which the school holds on its contact details for the pupil)

Parent Contact

Parents must alert us if they are ever away from home or out of London so that we know who the “responsible contact adult is” in case of any emergency. WE hold personal details on our Database for all pupils and if there is an emergency we work through our Contact 1 Contact 2 etc telephone numbers. It is therefore very important that we are informed of any change of contact details. If you have information of a “confidential nature” please share this with the Head of Year or myself. Otherwise for straightforward absence details email admin@portland-place.co.uk or call 020 7307 8700